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Super Cheap Company


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Welcome to Super Cheap Company's website! This website will tell you how to make something, for less money possible!

Sources for the .gif : www.joegp.com and www.giphy.com and. http://cachemonet.com/


I do not own any of the images, exept if I say I do.

13/09/23 12:30 PM

wtf this site still exist?

24/03/15 6:12 PM

HEY! I Was thinking, we need a logo! What do you think about a cartoon Pac Man?

31/03/15 6:49 PM

Hey, um, I didn't scan it, but I will try to scan my drawing of that Pac-Man soon!

02/07/15 10:05 AM

Yes! Finally! I will make a new logo out of the Pac Man image that I scanned!

Artist : Me

Made it myself! Great Eh?


Same day, 10:15 AM

Hello Again! Look at what I did with Microsoft Paint!